¡Hablamos Español!

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They just need to know that they can
We are Compassionate, Multicultural, and Inclusive of all forms of feeding
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They just need to know that they can
Both holistic at-home and telehealth prenatal and postnatal lactation services
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They just need to know that they can
The postpartum at-home care you deserve
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They just need to know that they can
Prenatal and Postpartum services tailored to meet your needs
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Book a consultation

Bronze 7 Day

  • 1 hour telehealth lactation visit
  • 2 one hour at home visits
  • 3 days of email/phone and text support
  • Referrals to holistic practitioners and other postpartum professionals, as needed

Gold 30 Day

  • 1 hour prenatal lactation telehealth coaching - what to expect
  • 2 nights - overnight mom and baby postpartum care services
  • 4 1-hour lactation at home/office visits
  • 2 1-hour lactation telehealth visits
  • 30 days of email/phone and text support
  • Referrals to holistic practitioners and other postpartum professionals, as needed

Silver 3 Day

  • 2 1-hour telehealth lactation visits
  • 3 1-hour lactation at home/office visits
  • 7 days of email/phone and text support
  • Referrals to holistic practitioners and other postpartum professionals, as needed

Best Services

Book a service Today!

In-Home Counseling

Liz offers Telehealth consultations and travels around Silicon Valley – Bay Area – to provide you and your family with the most comfortable care possible

Virtual Telehealth

Our HIPAA-compliant virtual option was designed with the busy mom in mind


Is your organization looking to add Women’s Educational Services? Hire Pretty Mama Breastfeeding

Best Services

Courses for parents & Corporations

What to know before your baby arrives

This course will bring to life breastfeeding experiences using videos and gorgeous illustrations plus testimonials from a large number of parents and Liz Chang fieldwork with multilingual families and new mothers. This course will give you tools, guidance, and a great start to your breastfeeding journey! Sign Up Now!

Pumping Strategies

This course provides you with reassurance, step-by-step guidance, tools, and strategies on which pump is best for your needs, how to get a pump, where to find pumps, how to best use your breast pump, how to store breast milk, and the various ways to pump - power pump and laid-back pumping among others. You will feel confident!

Returning Back to Work

This course will bring empowerment to be able to create various strategies around work, encouraging words, and professional recommendations of a well-experienced bilingual Spanish multicultural lactation expert that has 10 years of experience in the field of Women's Health. This course is perfect for families that have questions about the laws of breastfeeding in corporate settings.


What they say
